Kutchina Krritika » Jacinta

Jacinta belongs to a Schedule Tribal background and grew up in united Bihar. Since childhood she felt the lack of gender equality which her mother, sisters, along with her, faced in the family. The family decisions were always taken by the men, a culture that she always felt to be very unfair. The community she belongs to never allowed the complete truth to be organically taken to the outer world, neither could women bring out the information themselves, due to lack of exposure.
Jacinta is now a known Dalit poet & writer. She works on creating voice for Dalit women and girls in the tribal heartland of Jharkhand. She has just come back from Europe with her bagpack full with poems and stories.
She has been awarded for her amazing work on literature among Dalits and Adivasi women in Jharkhand by Germany.
Jacinta's Work

Communication Through Creative Medium
Jacinta has been passionate about expression through writing. Her keen interest is to enable girls to express themselves by writing, thus bringing out their stories to the external world.
She follows the endeavour to build the writing and photography skills of adolescent girls, through guidance and training.
She firmly believes that this project will make them feel independent and express themselves freely. It seems a pity that these skills are hardly groomed amongst girls and women. Jacinta would like to have that as an opportunity open to all, so that the girls and women can also make their mark in the field.